About Duvelope.

Changing Duvet's had always proved to be an awkward household chore, and talking to friends and family it was clearly not just me, as wrestling a duvet into a cover from one end seemed to be a problem for many people.

Then one day it occurred to me that there was an easier way, and that the heart of the problem lay in the design of the average Duvet Cover, clearly the opening was in the wrong place!
I got out my trusty sewing machine determined to invent a cover that would address all the problems I and my friends had: Awkard access, fiddly poppers and hidden small buttons were all banished!

I wanted a cover that would be easy for one person to get a duvet into and that had easy to handle neat and simple fastenings.

A few days later I had the basic design and following some consumer tests, which were a resounding success, I patented the design and Duvelope was born.

Gina Burton.

What a few of our customers think.

"I am delighted with my new duvet cover. At last I can change the bed without help. A brilliant idea."

Lynne Wallis


"For many years I had been unable to change a double duvet cover by myself. I found Duvelope. Problem solved."

Heather Gorton


"The Duvelope makes light work of changing the duvet cover and it is easy to use"

June Mc


"At last I can change the duvet cover on my own. I no longer have to wait for my husband to hold the corners and help me shake out the bumps. No shaking is require and the duvet reaches every corner first time. I am delighted with the duvelope both for ease and use and quality of material."

Margaret S


"I find it impossible to put my duvet in an ordinary duvet cover. However, the new Duvelope design is so easy and effortless to use that I would recommend it to anyone who is fed up with the fight! It is also pretty, and easy laundering as polyester cotton does not need ironing."

AniDav, Dunmow, Essex"